Greater Alaska Taiga & Tundra bioregion
The bioregion’s land area is provided in units of 1,000 hectares. The conservation target is the combined Global Safety Net (GSN1) areas for the component ecoregions. The protection level indicates the percentage of the GSN goal that is currently protected on a scale of 0-10. N/A means data is not available at this time.
The Greater Alaska bioregion, located in the Subarctic America (Nearctic) realm, encompasses most of the Alaska subrealm and is divided in upper and lower halves by the Alaska Range. The upper half is dominated by lowland taiga and coastal tundra along the Bering Sea, consisting of four ecoregions – Interior Alaska-Yukon Lowland Taiga (375), Beringia Lowland Tundra (409), Beringia Upland Tundra (410) Interior Alaska-Yukon Alpine Tundra (416) – and adjacent marine areas. The lower half incorporates the alpine tundra of the Alaska Range, Cook Inlet, the Alaskan Peninsula, and the Aleutian Islands, which define the northernmost reach of the Pacific Ocean. It consists of six ecoregions – Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga (369), Cook Inlet Taiga (371), Copper Plateau Taiga (372), Ahklun and Kilbuck Upland Tundra (404), Alaska-St. Elias Range Tundra (405), Aleutian Islands Tundra (406) – and adjacent marine areas. The total land area of this bioregion is approximately 110 million hectares, not including icefield areas.

The Greater Alaska Taiga & Tundra bioregion is part of the Alaska subrealm and is made up of ten ecoregions: (1) Aleutian Islands Tundra (2) Beringia Lowland Tundra (3) Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga (4) Alaska-St. Elias Range Tundra (5) Cook Inlet Taiga (6) Copper Plateau Taiga (7) Interior Alaska-Yukon Alpine Tundra (8) Interior Alaska-Yukon Lowland Taiga (9) Beringia Upland Tundra (10) Ahklun and Kilbuck Upland Tundra.
One Earth is dedicated to mobilizing philanthropic capital to protect the ecosystems and peoples of Subarctic America. Visit the Project Marketplace to explore projects in this realm that need your support. Learn more about each of the Greater Alaska Taiga & Tundra ecoregions below.
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