Christy Melhart Slay, PhD

CEO and VP Science and Impact, The Sustainability Consortium

Christy Melhart Slay directs the technical alignment and partnership activities for The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) to develop a global, transparent, scientifically-based measurement and reporting system for product sustainability. She leads efforts with strategic partners to ensure TSC’s metrics, tools, and reporting systems are harmonized and interoperable with existing initiatives. Christy leads TSC’s Agriculture Metrics Task Force which focuses primarily on data mobility solutions in ag supply chains and farm metrics alignment with key organizations. She also leads TSC’s Commodity Mapping Program to develop spatial models for identification of agricultural and wood fiber source regions and works with companies to map their commodity supply chains and related environmental and social risks. Christy develops and leads hands-on training and field courses as well as other projects to implement TSC tools within businesses. 

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