Zachary Tofias
Director of the Food, Water and Waste Programme, C40
Zachary Tofias serves as the Director of the Food, Water and Waste Programme at C40. His work supports C40 cities transition towards regenerative resource management and reduce emissions through more sustainable consumption. The Programme is helping cities accelerate a worldwide transition to more effective urban water and municipal solid waste management, and the implementation of comprehensive solutions that reduce carbon emissions and increase resiliency throughout the urban food system. Zach has been with the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group since 2007 in partnership with the Clinton Climate Initiative. Over the course of this time he has been City Director in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, created and led the Climate Positive Development Program, and most recently was the head of Urban Planning and Development. For over 10 years, Zach has been working around the world with leading cities and the private sector on developing locally relevant solutions for replicable models for sustainable city growth. Zach has an Master’s of Business Administration from Cornell University, and a bachelor’s degree from Middlebury College