One Earth Contributors
Learn more about the esteemed researchers and experts, community leaders, journalists, and climate heroes who have contributed to the One Earth website.
Edward Bell
Digital Media Director, One Earth
Edward Mabaya
Senior Research Associate, Cornell University
Elizabeth Preston
Author, Hakai Magazine
Emily Jacobi
Founder & Executive Director, Digital Democracy
Emily Martin
Justice Leadership Program Graduate
Emma Martin
Associate Program Officer, UNEP-WCMC
Enric Sala
Explorer-in-Residence, National Geographic
Eric Dinerstein, PhD
Director of Biodiversity and Wildlife Solutions
Eric Wikramanayake, PhD
Senior Specialist, Rewilding Programme
Erin Billman
Global Communications Lead, Tompkins Conservation
Evan Somma
Bioinformatics and Project Engineer, Nooma Bio
Evandro Almeida Jr.
One Earth Fellow, Brazil
Flavia Lopes
Environmental Reporter, IndiaSpend
Gary Tabor
Executive Director, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Geraldine Patrick Encina, PhD
Indigenous Relations Advisor, One Earth
Glen Delany
Director | Earth Economics
Graeme Green
Founder of the New Big 5 project
Grammenos Mastrojeni
Chair, Mountain Partnership
Greg Asner, PhD
Hadeer El Hadary
Climate Tracker Fellow, Egypt
Ishita Yadav
One Earth Fellow, India
James Gerber, PhD
Co-director and lead scientist of the Global Landscapes Initiative at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment.
James Godfrey-Faussett
Miyawaki Forest Maker
James Watson
Professor of Conservation Science
Jamison Ervin
Manager of the Nature for Development Program, UNDP
Jan Schipper, PhD
Field Conservation Research Director, Arizona Center for Nature Conservation/Phoenix Zoo
Janet Murikira
One Earth Fellow, Kenya, 2019
Jeff Conant
Senior International Forests Program Director, Friends of the Earth U.S.
Jeffrey Gitterman
Co-Founding Partner, Gitterman Wealth Management
Jodi Hilty
President and chief scientist of the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative