Dominica creates the world’s first Sperm Whale Reserve, a win for conservation and climate
- Nature Conservation
- Ocean Conservation
- Protected Seas
- Mammals
- Wild Carbon
- Central America Realm
- Caribbean
In a groundbreaking initiative, Dominica has set a global precedence by establishing the world's first Sperm Whale Reserve. Located on the western side of the Caribbean island nation, this act of preservation not only champions marine conservation but also addresses climate change, preserves biodiversity, and fosters sustainable economic growth.

The new reserve is located in the Caribbean islands bioregion (NT26)
Sperm whales: Giants of the deep
At the heart of this initiative lies the incredible sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). With the largest brains on Earth and a complex matrilineal society, these giants of the deep have captivated scientists and nature enthusiasts alike.
With their intricate language and profound social structures, these intelligent beings play a pivotal role in Dominica's marine ecosystem. Notably, the country’s west coast is a vital feeding and nursing ground for sperm whales.
Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit expressed Dominica's deep commitment, stating,
A symbiotic relationship between conservation and tourism
Dominica's Sperm Whale Reserve is a dual act in marine conservation and responsible tourism. A comprehensive plan is in place, including deploying a "Senior Whale Officer" and dedicated observers on tourism and research vessels to enforce strict regulations governing whale tourism activities.
Sustainable artisanal fishing practices that do not disrupt sperm whale behavior or compete for their food sources will be permitted within the reserve. Visitors to Dominica will have the unique opportunity to witness these incredible creatures in their natural habitat by swimming with them or viewing them from carefully regulated boats. These measures are designed to ensure minimal disturbance to the sperm whales and other cetacean species inhabiting the area.

Image credit: Envato Elements
How safeguarding sperm whales helps regulate Earth’s climate
Beyond marine conservation, Dominica's initiative to protect sperm whales holds a potent climate change mitigation potential. Enric Sala, founder of Pristine Seas and an Explorer in Residence at National Geographic, highlights the overlooked climate benefits, stating, "Protecting these whales offers an incredible, cost-effective climate solution that has been overlooked by policymakers."
Sperm whales play a vital role in carbon sequestration through their unique contribution – whale feces. When sperm whales dive up to 1,000 meters to hunt squid, they resurface to breathe, rest, and defecate. Their nutrient-rich feces foster plankton blooms that absorb carbon dioxide from seawater. As plankton dies, it sinks to the deep sea, effectively becoming a carbon sink and mitigating the impacts of global warming.
Based on scientific estimates, the sperm whales residing in Dominica's waters could sequester a remarkable 4,200 metric tonnes of carbon annually. This is equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 18,000 acres of US forests in a single year, underscoring the invaluable contribution of these creatures to our planet's climate resilience.
A species under threat without protection
Despite these promising strides, sperm whales face many threats from human activities. Dr. Shane Gero, National Geographic Explorer and Founder of The Dominica Sperm Whale Project, warns of the growing dangers, including entanglement in fishing gear, ingestion of plastic waste, exposure to underwater noise pollution, and collisions with ships.
Without proactive conservation efforts, the future for sperm whales appears grim, with a significant decline projected by 2030.
The Sperm Whale Reserve encompasses less than three percent of Dominica's waters, yet it protects these magnificent creatures. Restricting ship traffic to designated corridors minimizes the risk of ship strikes and noise pollution and reduces the chances of fishing gear entanglement.
Moreover, this conservation initiative is poised to become an exemplar of harmonizing marine conservation with sustainable economic growth. Kristin Rechberger, CEO of Dynamic Planet, which advised Dominica on the financial aspects of the reserve, emphasizes the potential for a well-designed and regulated whale tourism operation to generate economic revenue while offsetting the costs of the reserve management.

Image credit: Envato Elements
Dominica’s efforts are a triumph for the global community
As Dominica embarks on this transformative journey towards ecological stewardship, we are reminded that our planet's well-being is inextricably linked to the health of its oceans.
Establishing the world's first Sperm Whale Reserve is not merely an achievement for Dominica but a triumph for the global community committed to preserving the wonders of the deep and mitigating the effects of climate change.
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