Equator Prize 2023 nominations now open

Image credit: Courtesy of UNDP

Equator Prize 2023 nominations now open

The UNDP-led Equator Initiative has launched a global call for nominations for the Equator Prize 2023, an effort to identify and celebrate transformative local action and initiatives that protect nature and tackle our planetary crisis.

The 14th cycle of the Equator Prize will focus on solutions championed by rural Indigenous peoples and local communities. Under the theme of ‘Celebrating the role of Local Action in achieving the Global Biodiversity Framework,’ winning initiatives will be honored under the following themes:

Creating a planetary safety net

Protecting, restoring, and/or sustainably managing ecosystems to help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, enabling community-based adaptation to the impacts of climate change and/or species migration.

Redefining our relationship with nature

Placing nature at the heart of local development plans and policies and safeguarding the rights of land and water defenders through advocacy and promotion of social and environmental justice.

Creating a new green economy for the people and planet

Protecting, restoring, and/or sustainably managing terrestrial, freshwater, and/or marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and wildlife that sustains jobs and livelihoods, including through micro- and small green enterprises and the promotion of Indigenous economies.

Special consideration will be given to nominees working on habitat connectivity, migratory species protection, youth empowerment, and gender equality.

Image credit: Courtesy of UNDP

The Equator Prize will recognize initiatives that showcase approaches to implementing the new UN biodiversity targets. The winners will join a prestigious network of 274 innovative community-based organizations from 87 countries that have won the prize since 2002. Each prize-winning organization will receive USD 10,000 and be supported to participate virtually in a series of policy dialogues and special events in the fall of 2023.

Nominations are open through March 20th.

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