Project Marketplace

Project Marketplace

If we want to solve the climate crisis we have to increase funding for action on the ground.

Currently, environmental causes get less than 2% of global philanthropy and only a small fraction of that makes it to the communities and organizations most impacted by climate change. Less than 0.2% of all foundation funding goes to women-led environmental action, and almost no resources are directed to indigenous-led projects, despite the fact that over one third of the lands we need to protect are held by indigenous peoples.

The good news is that on-the-ground action is already happening. And we’ve created a platform that directs resources to the best projects in each region, in line with a global strategy guided by science.

The Project Marketplace connects non-profit projects to the philanthropic capital they need to scale. The projects all help to achieve the 1.5°C goal and are organized by the three main pillars of action - shifting to 100% renewable energy; protecting and restoring 50% of our lands and seas; and shifting to regenerative, climate-friendly agriculture. Projects are organized geographically by bioregion, making climate action tangible and place-based. 

The current marketplace is a beta version featuring an initial 30 projects. We are adding projects every week and continually improving functionality. In 2021 a more extensive platform with a much larger offering of projects indexed across each of the world’s 184 bioregions. 

If you’re interested in supporting one of the featured projects please use the inquiry form on that project page. 

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