Southern Eurasia
Southern Eurasia corresponds roughly with the Middle East-North Africa (MENA) region and is the southernmost section of the Palearctic with two major subrealms—North Africa and the Greater Arabian Peninsula—and five bioregions in total as defined by the One Earth Bioregions Framework. The North Africa subrealm consists almost entirely of desert dotted with oases of flooded grasslands and marshes, but it also includes a Mediterranean bioregion composed of dry coastal woodlands running along the north coast of Africa and the southern portion of the Mediterranean Sea. To the far east of the Saharan bioregion is the Nile with its flooded delta and valley providing irrigation for most of the region’s croplands. The Greater Arabian Peninsula is one large desert bioregion with pockets of mangroves along the coast of the Persian Gulf.

Northern Sahara Deserts, Savannas & Marshes (PA24)
Total Land Area (1000 ha): 404,488 Number of Ecoregions: 7 Protection Target: 41% Protection Level: 1The Northern Sahara Deserts, Savannas & Marshes bioregion is located in the North Africa subrealm of Southern Eurasia and contains seven ecoregions totaling over 404 million hectares of land area.
Southern Sahara Deserts & Mountain Woodlands (PA25)
Total Land Area (1000 ha): 329,860 Number of Ecoregions: 4 Protection Target: 37% Protection Level: 2The Southern Sahara Deserts & Mountain Woodlands bioregion is located in the North Africa subrealm of Southern Eurasia (southern Palearctic) and contains four ecoregions totaling approximately 329 million hectares of land area.
South Mediterranean Mixed Woodlands & Forests (PA23)
Total Land Area (1000 ha): 78,175 Number of Ecoregions: 5 Protection Target: 21% Protection Level: 7The South Mediterranean Mixed Woodlands & Forests bioregion is located in the Southern Eurasia realm (southern Palearctic) and contains five ecoregions totaling approximately 78 million hectares of land area.
Madeira Evergreen Island (PA22)
Total Land Area (1000 ha): 82 Number of Ecoregions: 1 Protection Target: 63% Protection Level: 9The Madeira Evergreen Islands bioregion is located in the North Africa subrealm of Southern Eurasia and contains one single ecoregion totaling approximately 82 thousand hectares of land area.